Our Background

We have been selling and working side by side with
architects, real estate developers, and real estate agents for
over 7 years.

Do you guys mainly work with Google ads and Facebook ads?

Our foundation is Google ads as it has been the platform that yields the best results, over time we would add Facebook ads and YouTube ads depending on your brand and studio… the goal is to be omnipresent.

What does your service entail?

We strongly focus on bringing to you the best possible clients to make your creation process and sales process more entertaining and fun, we do this via paid ads. But we also advise you on creatives and other parts of your brand.

Who writes the creatives for the ads?

Our team fully writes all the creatives for the ads, we present them to you in our strategy sessions and we start using them once you approve the strategy and copy.

Do you handle the creatives?

We use the creatives you already have and the ones we both conjunctively approve of on the strategy sessions, and we would constantly give you feedback on what creatives work and which don’t.

Who’s mainly running the ads?

All the ads are run by our team in house, nothing is outsourced to third parties to make sure we always get the best and consistent results

I’ll have access to all the data in the ads manager?

Yes, all the data belongs to you, we don’t keep any of it.

How hands-on are you?

We are very hands-on, every day we are monitoring your campaign’s performance and see if there is anything that needs to be tweaked.

How often do you meet with clients?

We normally meet with our clients weekly or bi-weekly, and we also have a dedicated Slack channel where we manage all the communication and respond within –12 hours.

Would I still be involved in the process, and can I know what’s going on?

Yes, whenever we have our meeting, we give you full disclosure on where the money is going and exactly where the budget is going, this is for you to understand the process and give us your feedback on what you believe is best for your brand.

How long have you been doing this?

We have been in the Real Estate game for 7 years now and have been in the agency industry for 3 years.

What are the next steps if I decide to continue?

You would go through our automatic onboarding process that doesn’t take more than an hour, this gives us everything we need like creatives and access to the add manager, then we have our first strategy session, and after that we would start the market research and your ads would be running in less than 7 days.